Thursday, February 25, 2010

Roly Poly is Fabulous!

Just when you thought it wasn't safe to walk into a sandwich place, I've found my new home. Recently, my son and I went into a Subway restaurant and were surprised to find the employees fighting and cursing at each other while working. When I asked if we should leave, one employee told me that it was my choice and we did. I no longer want to go back to that location, so I've been trying to find a place that will meet my nutrition needs as well as my ethics.

Today, I decided to try out the new Roly Poly franchise in our area (St. Peters/O'Fallon). I was thrilled as what I got and how I was treated. I placed my order for a Tuscan Turkey wrap after viewing their huge menue. I was also happy that they Weight Watchers points on a laminated sheet right up front for you to look at. I had to use the restroom (you know me and the water) and it was sparkling even in the middle of the lunch rush. The employees seemed to be busy, happy, and talkative. This is such a rarity these days. When I received my order, I couldn't wait to bust into it. It was delicious! I'll definitely be stopping there again and trying some thing new on the menu. YUM!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Dancing with a Scale

Well, I decided to really get my act together last week. I was really ticked at myself because I was on an eating binge. I could never get full. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands or at least keep things out of my mouth.

I decided to buckle down and do what I know works. I wrote down what I was eating, drank more water, and exercised. From Monday to Saturday, 11 pounds were gone and I love it. I'm now back in my "decade" of weight that I was before December.

Yes, Saturday morning I did my happy dance with my scale. There I was in my sweatshirt looking down and completely befuddled with the number. It was really there! I didn't do a complete dance routine, just a little happy dance to celebrate how hard work really does pay off.

I was blaming turning 40 on adding an extra 10 pounds, but it was actually my eating and not keeping track that was the problem. So now we're starting another Monday and the goal is to lose some more weight, but more importantly stay on track. It wasn't that hard and I'm much smarter than how I was behaving.

So, more Zumba classes this week for sure. Hope my workout partner is ready!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Frustrated? Don't have kids...Well, Not Really

Who knew that by just moving a hamper to empty out dirty clothes could turn my morning into a disaster. Apparently, with a moody 11 year old boy you need to watch out.

I woke my darling baby up to get ready for school. I turned around and got his dirty clothes hamper out of the closet to put his clothes with ours. This was my mistake. As I headed back to the kitchen I heard banging and slamming. When I walked in to see what was wrong, I was yelled at that he's tired of never having his hamper where it should be. My point that his clothes rarely make it there and I was doing him a favor by washing his clothes was met with anger.

So, there went my blissfully peaceful sunny morning. He was ticked. He was angry. Too bad I let him stay up last night to watch the Olympics. My answer? I drove around the neighborhood left the house for awhile. Driving away to avoid conflict was my best answer to the problem. He got the house to himself. I avoided losing my temper.

Am I frustrated? No...I have too much laundry to do. I don't know what this afternoon will bring, but it has to better than this morning. Right?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

House Party Stouffer’s Toasted Sub Celebration House Party™

House Party Stouffer’s Toasted Sub Celebration House Party™

I may be frustrated but I know a good thing when I see one! I love You can sign up to host a party. If you're selected, House Party and the sponsoring company will provide you with the goodies!

We've been selected for a Disney Cruise House Party and a Kristin Hannah (author) House Party in the past 6 months. We couldn't believe all the party favors and goodies that came to us.

I love free stuff and going through a questionnaire and following their simple rules is so easy. They even help you send out the invitations via e-mail to your friends. Take a look!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Me and My Water Bill

Today has been one of those days when I bad is our water bill going to be this month? Many reasons come to mind like laundry and dishes, but today was one of those days that water was pouring through me. I know I drink a lot of water. I'm one of those people who loves the stuff.

After running around to gym class and behind a five year old, I found myself flushing every 30-60 minutes. No kidding. So, now I wait. We normally get our water bill at the end of the month. It's scary, but this will show up on our bill that we had more than normal usage this month. How do I know? It's happened before. When my kidneys go on hyper drive I do have to pay for it literally.

The good news in all of this is that I haven't had a soda in several days. I was getting close to the danger zone of 6 Diet Pepsi's a day and that's when I know I've gone over the edge on the caffeine. My kidneys were shriveling and the water apparently does them good. My toilet though is tired of seeing me.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

No, We Don't Have a Dog

Yesterday, was one of those days when you want to pull out your hair. Kids cooped up because of very cold temperatures outside, snow, and a school holiday (President's Day). Thanks to Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Washington, we were having one of those days where motherhood is pushed to its limits.

I love my kids, but whining about school projects and no one to play with amidst the mounds of toys and video games we provide was about to push me over. I did relent and let a friend come over and I went about my day dodging Nerf gun bullets regularly. Watch three boys with Nerf guns take over a house like the D-Day invasion and you too will want to know when the bar cart is coming to fix you a drink.

However, the day's excitement was punctuated by the arrival of the ADT repairman. He was kind enough to come out and check out why our keypad kept getting stuck and it took me three times of entering the code to turn the thing off. The darling older gentleman came in with a new keypad and immediately went about the task of replacing our obviously worn ten-year-old one. That's when the embarrassment started.

While he went about his business with screwdrivers and electrical tape, my intestines decided to funnel down something and growl. I knew I heard and felt it, but didn't think anyone else did. Then the repairman looked at the door next to our keypad and turned to me to say, "What is that? Do you have a dog behind this door?" After silently dying inside I answered, "No, that was just my stomach." Thank goodness the phone rang after I uttered my response and I didn't have to look at him again.

Just another day of being forty? No, just another day of my life...there's more to come and only the Lord knows what today will bring.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Aches and Pains

The fun with turning in turning forty is how even the most little thing can turn you into an instant senior citizen. I found myself taking a nap yesterday for no apparent reason other than the fact that I hadn't slept in two night. One night I was up while keeping my ears open as four 11-year-olds talked themselves to sleep. The second night I was up because I was tossing and turning.

All this makes for a very grumpy Peggy. I was irritable to say the very least. No one could hang up a hand towel in the bathroom. No one could do their regular chores without being asked. I got the eye roll and foot stomp from my two darling boys and I gave up.

Today, I woke up with pain in my left foot. I'm hoping this is not another flare up of bone spurs. I've kept them at bay for almost 3 years by taking care of myself. However, I'm now walking with so much pain that I'm about to call a doctor and I'm never happy about calling a doctor.

So, am I 70? 80? No, just forty and grumpy with all my aches and pains.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm Really Too Old For This...and So Not Ready For It

Nothing like having a bunch of preteen boys spend the night at your house to realize that I really like getting a full eight hours of sleep. Also, when you're getting ready to take them to the movies and you smell!

I walked down the hallway of our house and smelled something. Now, we don't use a lot of perfume in our house. Way too many years of burnout on the nose from my stepmother's use of some of the most hideous perfumes known to mankind. So, when I sniffed something other than food or candles in my house I wondered what was up. As I was walking, I heard a few laughs and comments about "chicks" and decided to investigate.

Upon my arrival in my son's room with his three friends, most of whom I've known since they were 5, I found them basked in the glow of one of them using cologne and talking about girls. Ugggh! They're 11!!! I stopped in my tracks and asked casually, "Are you guys looking for chicks while we're at the movies?" First, I got the stare (how dare I ask) and then I got the response from all of them. A very matter of fact, "Yeah!" hit my ears. After regaining consciousness and checking for bleeding in my ears, I regained my composure and blew the situation off. The cologne could not be stopped and was slowly seeping through my house. Before the whole bottle of cologne was used and I was needing oxygen, I commented to the bottles owner that I was very sensitive and allergic to the stuff. Personal note: My mom used the same trick on one of my boyfriends since, according to her, he bathed in Polo.

Thirty minutes later we get to the parking lot of the movie theatre. I'm prepared for these four boys to sauntering in the place with some swagger. Oh, but they're still 11...they were skipping up to the front door of the place. I stood silently and just shook my head. They are still boys after all.

After the movie, I talked with a friend of mine and there was no mention of girls there. Oh boy, were there girls there! Friday night is movie night in our suburban area and wow there were a lot of girls there. I try to be the "whatever" mom, but I'm not ready for the girl thing.

We headed for home and hoped the house had aired itself out while we were gone. It did! I will be giving my furnace a hug later on today. But now that the boys were in a house where no females near their age were present, it was time to act like boys again. Stupid jokes, fart noises, baby name it we had it. We had so much of it that no one wanted to go to sleep.

Trying to make boys fall asleep when they don't want to is an interesting needle to thread. They want to talk and giggle just like girls. They don't want to be bothered by a younger sibling. The younger sibling is five and was getting his feelings hurt. Boys don't care when the sibling cries for not being included and especially when the younger sibling comes out with a Nerf gun and tells them to be quiet or he'll shoot. That's when we, my tired spouse and I, stepped in.

We want our sleep. We like our sleep. We make fun of people now who have ten year olds and then get pregnant because they're not going to get any sleep. We had already had a day of drama from work, school, volunteer organizations, preschool, and family. But now we had to make four eleven-year-old boys fall asleep in our living room. Good luck. We let them watch a movie for an hour. I finally turned it off and told them good night when I found my husband snoring in my ear. I heard them giggle and joke and finally nothing. Just peace and quiet....until each of them had to go to the bathroom off and on all night.

Yes, I'm too old for this.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Younger is a State of Mind

Just when I thought I was feeling crappy about being 40. I realized how lucky I am. Go to an assisted care living facility and you immediately get a wonderful feeling inside.

Yesterday, I went to visit one of my customers who has recently moved to one of these facilities. She's a wonderful woman and lost her husband about a year ago. She uses a walker to get around, but you'd never know that she's fought battles against breast cancer and colon cancer. She is one of the women I admire and reminds me that all things are relative.

Irma and her friends were delighted to see me. I was rushing to see another customer to make my delivery before getting to the dentist. As I walked in and said hello, Irma's face lit up that I'd come to see her. We held hands as we talked and I know she's my customer, but really she's my friend. She's a sweet woman who has shared so much of her life with me over the years that I felt like I was not doing enough when I had to rush out.

However, the activities director stopped me on the way out to ask me a favor. Since I don't know where everyone sits for lunch she needed me to hide valentine's under the residents chairs in the dining room. So, there I was with tape and big 8 inch red construction paper hearts crawling on my hands and knees taping under the chairs. That made me feel better. For the residents, this little valentine's suprise would make their day and the size of those big hearts matched mine.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Party All Night Long

Once again I was up for most of the night. I could understand if I had a new baby. With that, you have the energy of 10 people since you want to take great care and not miss a moment of every little thing a baby does. However, this is my stomach and I've had it.

I know I didn't overeat. I handled my Zumba class well yesterday. I don't like the mirror in the workout room. I look like a squatty toad in it. I stand 5'7" and normally don't appear that squatty. I gave blood in the afternoon. I had a sensible dinner (pork chop and corn). But for some reason, my stomach decided to do flip flops most of the night.

This is the joys of turning 40. You're up all night when you really want to be in bed sleeping. So now as I get up to hit the morning routine to make school lunches and overly floss my teeth for my dentist appointment, I'm beginning to wonder when the Fun at Forty starts. I am certainly not amused in the least.

If I'm going to be up all night, I would hope I'd have something more fun to do than watch bad infomercials or even good infomercials. It's amazing what will grab your attention for 20 minutes before you realize you're being suckered in for 3 payments of $19.95 plus shipping and handling.

Back in the day before kids, my husband and I would head over to friends houses to hang out and play cards. We'd come home at 3 or 4 in the morning. And get up the next day (albeit 5 hours later) wide awake with all the energy we could muster. Well those days have sailed down the river. Now, I'm up with a stomach that wants to hatch an alien.

Oh well, enough moaning for today. Time to start making the lunches...and look at food.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Change is Everywhere

I'm a big fan of food. Yes, even weird stuff. Calimari, escargot, and chicken livers are among some of my favorites. But being a fan of food comes with a price. My weight has been an issue for as long as I can remember. Although I've been much much heavier, I've rarely been at a size that I truly wanted to be. Size 18/20 will be the smallest I ever get unless I take drastic measures.

I've seen people do great with gastric bypass surgery and I've done great on Weight Watchers. I exercise fact, I'm about to leave for a Zumba class. But, I'm never going to be a size 6 like some of my good friends.

I had been at a pretty steady weight for over 18 months when WHAM!!! 40 hit. Apparently, much to my dismay it brought about 8 pounds with it that I can't get rid of. I'm trying, but it's taking a lot out of me. I'm not to the point of buying bigger clothes. Heck, I'm still rooting through and getting rid of things that are two and three sizes too big. But, 40 isn't just a number it apparently is a metabollic thing that changed my happy scale to a place of dread.

I get on regularly to remind myself that there is no going back to my old way of life. Where two whole boxed Entemann's danishes was just a snack. I like water now. Back in the day, a 12 pack of diet soda a day was a way of life. No wonder I was maniacal nightmare. Eek!

Luckily, I've got great friends. Most of whom are supportive. Some of them are in the same boat with me. But it's hard for me to deal with all the choices out there. Passing a Taco Bell, McDonalds, Hardees, and Steak n Shake on your way to the gym and back are pretty big pitfalls to overcome. Today I'm ready Chinese. I'm going to either have rice and veggies or get away from it completely. Not going back to sucking down soy sauce either.

One of these days I'm going to find the right trick to get my food obsession under control, but until then....I'm going to keep dancing and making a fool out of myself. Any takers to come watch?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I've always had freckles. Heck, I'm of Irish and English descent. I think it's against the law of some sort if I didn't have freckles. While pregnant with my second child I notice a large gathering of freckles under the corner of my right eye. No problem, lets cover that up with makeup. However, my mother was thinking I was getting skin cancer. My husband was willing to get a marker to play connect the dots again. Funny, my dear. Not!

Now that I've turned 40 the hormones have kicked in or at least that's my most logical explanation. Now I've got two more of these spots! Great! They're multiplying and not paying rent for the space on my face either. The new ones of course are in plain view. One just above the corner of my right eye and the other at the corner of my left eye. Anyone for a matched set of spots? Not me.

I used to laugh and think how weird it was when I was little that anyone would need to use Esoterica or any of those other creams and lotions that would supposedly lighten your skin and make it monotone, flawless, and full of blah.

So, later today as I put on makeup and yell at the mirror..."Out! Out damn spot!" We'll see what happens. Maybe all the rubbing will make them migrate into one big patch and I'll be permanently tan.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Snowday ??

Well, I was good at the Superbowl gathering we went to. I didn't eat any chili. However, with the other goodies there...spinach dip, salsa, chips, fruit, and veggies, I did end up with an acid stomach. I decided to sleep it off rather than medicate it. Thank goodness. So, today will be a water bath for my kidneys. Might as well flush all the sodium out of them.

Why on earth would a school district close if there is only 1/2" of snow on the ground and only another inch expected during the day? Apparently because the roads are slick. I know this is shocking, but this is Missouri people. I know we didn't get the 30" Washington, D.C. got, but 1/2" closes a school? This isn't the south where they have no means to shovel. We have plows and shovels and sleds!

I have an 11 year old son who is disappointed that school was canceled. He needs to make up work he missed on Friday due to being sick. But oh well, the great snow gods have spoken and 1/2" will cripple the area. I hope we have enough eggs, bread, and milk to survive the dusting!

But, it is a Monday. Every other Monday brings about a wonderful task for me. Cleaning. When I quit my full time job 4 years ago, I made myself stay on a schedule. It was a wonderful thing! Get things done in the morning so I could enjoy the rest of my day. Awww. So while everyone was peacefully tucked in their warm beds this morning, I was moving furniture and mopping floors. Hooray! Now, if they track in the 1/2" of snow there will be problems. But that's another story.

Time for another glass of water to flush away the Superbowl goodies!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday Celebration?

I love football. I really love the Superbowl...the game, the commercial, and usually the halftime entertainment. I'm not thrilled with the entertainment this year. I'm not a fan of The Who. But most of all, I love the food debauchery that goes on.

This morning, my stomach is already turning. Another thing that has happened to me at 40. I can't handle large amounts of greasy food, decadent food, spicy food, or large amounts of food. Once upon I could and yes, for over 10 years I was way over 300 pounds. With the help of Weight Watchers, not putting food in my mouth, and finding a way to enjoy exercise, I got to under 250 lbs. I refuse to go back to the old way. It takes a lot of water, a lot of movement, and a lot of discipline to make sure I don't go back to my old ways....because frankly, I love food.

Now, turning 40 has brought some changes with what I eat. I now like tomatoes. I really like bacon and it should be a separate food group. But lately, I've been having a love affair with chili that's bordering on obsessive and dealing with the after effects is a risk I'm willing to take. I like them all...white, turkey, meat, bean, no bean, name it...I love it. My husband is beginning to wonder if I'm making chili because it's easy (c'mon, 1 pot and dump in a bunch of stuff and you're done) or if I really like it. I really do like chili; however, it's after effect on my system after turning 40 are not what I'd call pleasing or glorious. In fact, the chili brings about a whole new realm of things that I didn't know my body could do.

Superbowl is the banner day for Chiliheads everywhere. You make a pot of the stuff and you can feed 40 people easy. Get yourself some shredded cheese, onions, sour cream, and absolutely...Fritos! Of course, you might have to open your windows during the 3rd Quarter depending on how much everyone eats and how they react to it. My grandpa used to make the comment that he was "tuning up the orchestra" and I'd shake my head and run out of the room and name what note he just hit with his instrument. Thanks Grandpa!

I didn't know when turning 40 I'd have to bring a medicine cabinet with me when I eat chili. Pepcid for the acid, Beano for the gas, Fiber Choice to help move things along, and Tums if the Pepcid has been overcome by the attack of the chili in my stomach.

So...sit down and enjoy the game. I'm rooting for the Saints since I'm in the running to win a prize at our local recreation center and I'm rooting for the Colts because I like Peyton Manning. Actually, I'll be celebrating if it's a really close game and I don't get sick or have acid reflux overnight. That is really my own little victory.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Well, here it is...Day 1 of me actually writing out a blog. I'm a 40 year old with 2 kids, a husband of almost 20 years, and yep, I'm frustrated. Shouldn't I have done more with my life? Should I have chosen some different paths? Should I have chosen not to do some things?'s worth a thought on most days and hours of contemplation on others.

Things just hit me the other day...I'm really 40. I just went into a different decade of my life and apparently from my observation post I'm not taking it well, lying down, sitting still, or standing up.

Several years ago I chastised my sister for doing the blog thing. However, I think this is something I can do and now want to do. I've haven't written regularly for years. It's something I've always enjoyed and was fairly good at if you look at my college transcripts.

So, here it goes... I've been 40 for over 60 days and now this journey will begin. Blogging about being Frustrated at Forty. Good luck! We're all counting on my brain and fast fingers.