Well, as the school year got off to a balmy start. Two kids were in school for a full day finally. They were happy and we were happy. I'd started a part time job. Unfortunately, I resigned due to the fact that I couldn't handle being constantly yelled at and poorly trained. I made the decision that staying at home would be better than having my ego bruised and battered on a regular basis.
The same day that I gave my notice, August 26th, my husband called to let me know he wasn't feeling well and was coming home from work. He had the chills, body aches, and a fever. He figured he had a sinus infection. He came home and went to bed. I let him rest as I had a gentleman come look at our basement for a problem that occurred several weeks previously. I got the kids home from school and had a quiet evening.
All hell broke loose the next morning. I went to a meeting at Starbucks for our PTO's trivia night. I'd been up most of the night hearing my husband dry heave. I told my husband to get to an urgent care facility. When he stepped out of the shower, I noticed his right foot was red and swollen. I had no idea what all would take place over the next 48 hours and how serious things would get. But I knew by looking at things, it wasn't good.
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