I have recently found a group of friends that I haven't seen since 1979-80. The one and only year that I lived in a very small town in Texas. If you know where Floydada is, you're one of the few. I love the look from people when I tell them I've lived there. It even beats out Effingham, Illinois, for small places with odd names where I've lived.
Back to 1979, we moved there over the summer. My dad worked for CaseIH (tractors and construction equipment) Therefore another job opened up and off we went. This was a memorable year of living in Floydada for me. My sister was born in August of 1979, but not in town....my mom drove 90 minutes southwest to have my sister at a "real" hospital in Lubbock. About 6 months later, I was getting ready for gym class, slipped during the splits on a wooden floor, and ended up fracturing my pelvic bone. This was undetected in the Floydada hospital. Was diagnosed correctly when my mother was horrified that I was walking like a duck and limping several weeks later. Back in Lubbock with "real" doctors, I was diagnosed correctly.
With the advent of Facebook, I've just gotten in touch with 4 friends I haven't seen or heard from since we left Floydada in June of 1980. 4th grade was very memorable there. We went to parties (birthday and Halloween), played outside constantly, and had a lot of fun. Pam, Angela, Ludustia, and Andrea....I'm so happy to be back in touch with you guys. We're really 40? I am and I'm happy to have you all back in touch with me.
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