I've always had freckles. Heck, I'm of Irish and English descent. I think it's against the law of some sort if I didn't have freckles. While pregnant with my second child I notice a large gathering of freckles under the corner of my right eye. No problem, lets cover that up with makeup. However, my mother was thinking I was getting skin cancer. My husband was willing to get a marker to play connect the dots again. Funny, my dear. Not!
Now that I've turned 40 the hormones have kicked in or at least that's my most logical explanation. Now I've got two more of these spots! Great! They're multiplying and not paying rent for the space on my face either. The new ones of course are in plain view. One just above the corner of my right eye and the other at the corner of my left eye. Anyone for a matched set of spots? Not me.
I used to laugh and think how weird it was when I was little that anyone would need to use Esoterica or any of those other creams and lotions that would supposedly lighten your skin and make it monotone, flawless, and full of blah.
So, later today as I put on makeup and yell at the mirror..."Out! Out damn spot!" We'll see what happens. Maybe all the rubbing will make them migrate into one big patch and I'll be permanently tan.
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